Settlement Road Church of Christ
Our Mission
We Believe
In Praying
Without Ceasing
ONE Body
ONE Spirit
ONE Hope
ONE Lord
ONE Faith
ONE Baptism
Ephesians 4:1-6
We believe that the door to salvation is always open and so are the doors to our church. Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus by opening our arms to those in search of the truth. We show God’s love and concern for our fellow man at every opportunity. Through works of charity and opening our doors to listen and love, we believe that we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
Theme for 2024 -
Don't Stop - Get It, Get It
I Corinthians 9:24
Our church offers a traditional setting for your most sacred celebrations.
Services are held in the main Church:
Sunday Morning Bible class services are at 9:45 AM and Worship Service at 11:00 AM.
Wednesday night service is 6:00 PM.
Quarterly Ministry Head meetings are held the 3rd Friday of the month.
Any additional services will be announced on our notice board and on our website.
This Week's Sermon
Clement Gamble - 10/10
KeShaun Willingham - 10/10
Sylvia Scales - 10/11
Caleb Crockett - 10/12
Fabian Hale, Jr. - 10/13
Jonique Core - 10/21
Alaina Gamble - 10/22
Drew Thomas - 10/29
Macyn Washington - 10/31
Johnny & Sylvia Scales - 10/15
Amoni & Rachel Butler - 10/31
10/2 - Bible Study @ 6pm
10/6 - Breakfast Ministry @ 8:50am
Sunday School @ 9:45am
Worship Service @ 11am
10/9 - Bible Study @6pm
10/13 - Breakfast Ministry @ 8:50am
Sunday school @ 9:45am
Worship Service at 11:00am
10/16 - Song Practice & Prayer @ 6pm
10/19 - Senior Citizen Game Day @
11am in the Fellowship Hall
Fall Festival on Church
grounds - 3pm to 6pm
10/20 - Breakfast Ministry @ 8:50am
Sunday School @ 9:45am
Worship Service @ 11am
Sylacauga Health & Rehab
@ 2:30pm. Wear purple for
Lupus Awareness Month
10/23 - Bible Study @ 6pm
10/27 - Breakfast Ministry @ 8:50am
Sunday School @ 9:45am
Worship Service @ 11am
In Church Fellowship to
follow the 11am Worship
Service. Please wear pink in
support of Breast Cancer
Awareness Month.
10/30 - Bible Study @ 6pm
October 6, 2024
The lesson for the week : "Children, Obey Your Parents"
Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-4
Guest Speaker: Brother Quantarius Simmons
Related scriptures discussed were:
Proverbs 22:6
Proverbs 22:15
For more information regarding the sermon for the week, contact the church at (256) 245-8541.
The Settlement Road Church of Christ Fall Festival will be Saturday, October 19, 2024 from 3pm until 6pm. Come out and enjoy games, a Cake Walk, a hay wagon ride, hot dogs, chips, donut eating contest and more!
Helper's Corner was Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 8m. Nine bags of groceries were distributed. For more information on the next Helper's Corner, please see Sister Stephanie Kelly.
In Church Fellowship will be Sunday, October 27, 2024, following the 11am Worship Service. Please see Sister Danyelle Gamble for the menu. Brothers are asked to bring ice and a case of water. Please wear pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Settlement Road will be visiting the Sylacauga Health and Rehab Center on Sunday, October 20, 2024, and continuing every 3rd Sunday in the month at 2:30pm. Please wear purple in support of Lupus Awareness Month.
The corona virus is still a threat and news cases are on the rise. Another new health threat is monkey pox. Wash the front and back of your hands, all the way up to your elbows for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water several times a day to stay healthy and use hand sanitizer when you can't use soap and water. Please maintain the required 6 foot social distancing, wipe down surfaces and continue to wear your mask, especially if you have underlying health issues.
Settlement Road Church of Christ is serving breakfast from 8:50am until 9:30am to the surrounding community and members. Our mission is to not only feed you spiritual food, but physical food as well. Please join us every Sunday, from 8:50am for our new breakfast ministry. To find out how you can help, please see Sister Valarie Lykes.
Sister Valarie Lykes and Sister Danyelle Gamble are asking for kitchen and cleaning supply donations. Forks and spoons and especially needed,
Ministry Heads - as per Elder Thomas, ministry meetings will now be held on a quarterly basis. The next quarterly meeting will be due by
June with Goals and Strategy Sheets due to Elder Thomas in October, 2024. Please see Sister Lisha Kidd if you have any questions.
If you have received your COVID vaccination, please keep COVID vaccine card in a safe place and do not laminate.
Please remember the 4W Rules:
1. Wash your hands
2. Wear you mask over nose and mouth
3. Watch your distance
4. Wipe down surfaces
You can now pay your offering via this website - just click on the link above. You can also bring your offering to the church building after service on Sundays or request that one of the brothers pick it up from your home. For more information, contact Bro. Lenior Varner at 256-626-1298.
If you didn’t manage to make one of the services this week, you can listen to our Sunday and Wednesday sermons and bible studies via our link. Time to be announced.
Prayer Request
Please keep the following individuals in prayer:
Rowena Adams
Malandra Huntley
Celeste James
Lillian Martin & family
Jennie Stitten & family
Lenior & Dolores Varner, Sr.
The Polk Family
Sharon Boyd
Cora jackson
San Gamble
Clement Gamble
Pat Gamble
The Hopelock Family
Sylvia Scales & family
Mary Darby
Brandy Hale
The Varner Family
Angie Varner
Johnny Scales
Asia Polk & fmaily
Diamond Polk
The Davis & Dark Families
The Dixon Family
The Simmons Family
Martha Ann Sanders
Victims of Hurricane Milton