Settlement Road Church of Christ
—If you have never attended a Church of Christ before you may wonder what to expect. The following is a basic summary of the activities in our Sunday morning assembly, which we hope will set your mind at ease.
—First, as you enter our meeting place, expect to be warmly welcomed! We love each other and we love our visitors. We feel honored when people we don’t know come to meet us. Probably several people will introduce themselves and tell you how happy they are that you are here and how they hope that you will return at every opportunity.
—When starting time arrives, everyone will be welcomed once again. The song leader will announce the first song for the morning. You may follow along with the songs. You are not required to sing along, but you are certainly welcomed to do so. Our purpose in singing is to praise God (Hebrews 13:15) and to teach and admonish one another (Colossians 3:16). We do not focus on entertaining ourselves or others as we sing. You will notice that our singing is vocal, unaccompanied by any instrumental instruments. This is what the New Testament teaches (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). This was the practice of the early church as directed by the apostles of Christ. We think you will be amazed at the simple beauty of genuine acapella singing.
—After we sing a few songs, one of the brothers will get up and read a scripture from the King James version of the Holy Bible.
—After the scripture, one of the brothers of the congregation will lead us in prayer to God. As with all of our activities, you are welcome to pray along with us, but you are not obligated.
—About midway through our time together, the gospel preacher will stand before the congregation and deliver a sermon from the scriptures. For your convenience, we have extra bibles so that you may follow the reading. You will notice a strong emphasis on what the bible teaches. We firmly believe that the bible is the inspired, authoritative word of the Almigthy God.
—At the conclusion of the sermon, the congregation will stand and sing an invitation song to encourage anyone who wishes to become a Christian to do so. Those responding to the invitation will be assisted.
—Following the sermon and invitation some brothers will pass the collection plates to take up the weekly offering (I Corinthians 16:2). This is how the work of the congregation is financed. As our honored guest, you are not expected or required to contribute to his collection, though you may do so if you wish.
—Following the contribution, a brother will make a few announcements of general interest to the congregation.
—After the announcements are made, several brothers will serve the Lord’s Supper (Communion). This weekly observance reminds us of the body and blood of Jesus given upon the cross for us (I Corinthians 11: 23-26). In keeping with Jesus’ example, the bread will be served first, followed by the fruit of the vine (grape juice). Once again, you may participate or decline to do so; you will not be pressured either way.
—The assembly will conclude with a final song and prayer. After this, you are free to stay and visit as long as you please. Should you have any questions about what went on, or about anything bible or church related, please feel free to ask. We will not be offended and we will do our utmost to give you an answer that is in complete harmony with the scriptures.